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High tech weapons and security products
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Laser pointer
Laser pointers with brightest color laser beam range more than 1,500 yards. Many styles and designs available for your shopping. Packed in nice plastic wraps or boxes.
Stun guns
High technology products create high voltage to disable attacker for several minutes. Compact size and cheap price guarantee to fit in your pocket or purse. It create waves interrupt the neurological impulses control the musculars and membranes direct the muscle movements. Put any of these in the shopping cart for new or replacements.
New advance technology air tasers compare to stun gun. Tasers can be shoot in the air with air cartriges. When probes touch the attacker causing incapacitaion for minutes.
Pepper sprays
Cheap price with compact size and easy to use pepper spray will fit anywhere as a weapon. Protect yourself against attacker on your way to your car or house in the dark with pepper spray. It contained high quality ingredients with high hot scoville units as strong as military tear gas or any mace spray.
High tech weapons
High quality products with durable construction and powerful self defense weapons. Pistol crossbow, sling shot, blow gun...
Diversion safes
The best place to hide anything in plain sight. The diversion safes are unique security safe against intruders. Hide your keys and valuables inside these look-a-like containers and keep them anywhere.
Surveillance camera
World smallest cameras, professional camers, recording devices, transmitters and recorders, pan tilt zoom, monitors...
Personal alarms
Create a high decibel loud noise up to 150db to warn against attacker or nearby stander to contact the local authority.
Home alarms
The home protections is a passive infrared technology can detect motion in any selected area. It has a compact and attractive design can be mounted on any surface like entry door or hall way. It is portable and operate by battery therefore no very easy to place anywhere.